Wednesday, February 29, 2012

Thanks Stephen R. Covey

Stephen R. Covey, author of The Seven Habits of Highly Effective People, once said:
The Prophet Joseph once told a man who was critical of himself because he hadn't come out of the waters of baptism prophesying and speaking in tongues as someone else had: "You had more believing blood." He elucidated the point that those who are of the blood of Israel will often experience less dramatic physical kinds of manifestations than those who are being adopted into the blood.

I believe sometimes that as Latter-day Saints we are like fish who discover water last. We are so immersed in the element that we are unaware of its presence. We have been immersed in the revelations of the Lord in this dispensation. No dispensation can compare to this one. The level of light and knowledge about man's true nature, our mission, and the full scope of ordinances that can be performed for the living and the dead in the temples of the Lord transcend that which has been given to any other dispensation. In a sense this is a dispensation of the Holy Ghost. We don't experience the personal ministry of the Savior in our presence, but that isn't as great as the Holy Ghost. The Savior even said to his disciples, "It's necessary that I must go or the Holy Ghost will not come" (see John 16:7). You can imagine their feeling about that because every time the Savior would leave they would fall apart and desert him. There wasn't one disciple that did not fall away--including, as we know, the chief disciple, Peter. But before he did finally leave them after his resurrection, he breathed on them and said, "Receive the Holy Ghost" (see Acts 1:5­8). It's possible to be given a gift and receive not that gift. They prayed, the scripture says. They stayed together and fellowshipped each other, read the words of the scriptures, and remembered the words of their Savior. Then on the day of Pentecost the Holy Ghost came like cloven tongues of fire. Then the real conversion processes, under the influence of the gifts of the Spirit, changed these otherwise weak men into indefatigable disciples, champions of the truth right to their martyrs' deaths.

Also: President McKay taught that to all members of the Church who are in the line of their duty the Holy Ghost normally speaks through their consciences. The Lord may choose many ways to speak, but it seems that the still, small voice, the enlightened conscience, or heart within a person would be the natural one for him to choose. However, it may require some other way to reach a man who is perhaps beyond the experience or the words of Christ which have been deposited within that conscience, or it may require the imposition of keys, priesthood powers, or certain other special blessings. The choice would lie in the Lord's hands according to his purposes. But for most of us most of the time the Holy Ghost will speak through our consciences. The Spirit of Jesus Christ is the medium through which the Holy Ghost, this member of the Godhead, performs his unique and special functions (see Moroni 10).

Thanks again Brother Covey.

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